
Patient receives care from HAU team members at Mulago Hospital in Uganda, Kampala.

Watch the videos to learn more about the work of Anne Merriman, the work of Hospice Africa Uganda, and the importance of palliative care in Africa.

Cancer is Attacking Africa (20min), an IPRI production describes the cancer epidemic facing Africa and illustrates why palliative care is so important to relieving the pain and suffering occurring to millions.  link 

Uganda: No Country for Old Men (1hr), is a documentary on the work of Hospice Africa Uganda.  link 

Hospice Africa Uganda (6min), produced by Irish funding, provides a short clip on the work of Hospice Africa Uganda and Anne Merriman’s leadership. link

BBC Report: Dr. Anne Merriman (2min), provides a short segment on Dr. Merriman’s work in palliative care. link